Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Man in the Woods

I may inadvertently have created an energy construct many years ago to protect the tree forts and play structures the kids had built in the little forest down the road. One of the other kids had been acting like a bully and kept destroying their hard work each time they left the woods to return to their homes.

So I went to the woods and asked the divine energies there to protect the forts from harm and to discourage those who wanted to wreck their structures. It was a prayer fed by strong mama-bear emotion. I felt strongly about the desire to protect the play in the area.

A week or two later I heard stories from the kids. They told me that there was a "man in the woods" who they'd never seen but had heard that others had spotted from a distance. They told me the bully-kid was afraid to go into the woods because he kept seeing this man. He'd tried to get close enough to recognize the person but it seemed to vanish whenever he did. Other people had caught glimpses, too. But none of the kids who'd been working on the play forts had ever seen this figure.

It got me thinking. Did I create this from the prayer? Could the simple protective prayer have created something more tangible than I'd wanted? I wasn't sure.

If I did do this, I clearly didn't do the job well. I never wanted anyone, even the bully-kid, to be afraid of going into the woods.

So off I set again. Once in the forest I calmed myself and tried to sense the 'man' that they'd told me about. I didn't see it but I did get a feeling of presence. It was not harmful or malicious in any way. Just a presence. If this was a result of my efforts, I figured I'd best see if I could undo any damage I had done. If this was just my imagination, then setting out to right a wrong could do no further harm. I took my time and asked for assistance from the Angels of the woods. I apologized to the 'man'. I asked it if it would be willing to go with the Angels of the forest and let them take good care of its energy: deconstruct or re-purpose. I waited until I got a sense that the presence had left and then I went home.

The 'man in the woods' was never seen again.

Note to self: Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it.