If I imagine energy as a whole as an undifferentiated mass of possibilities, intention is like picking a few of these possibilities and encouraging them to form a particular pattern. It's something I want and plan to do.
For example, if I have had a tendency to snap back at people when my feelings are hurt, I may deliberately want to find a way to hold my tongue or count to ten instead. By making that decision, and by having a desire to carry it through, I am more likely to see it happen.
Things that can help us when we float an intention:
- Belief that it can happen. For example, I may intend to be enlightened fully in this lifetime, but if I don't believe it is possible, the energy gets dissipated.
- Actually wanting it to happen. Being clear about it. When I'm ambiguous, I could be floating two opposing desires at the same time. I may not want to snap at someone, yet part of me may want to be heard.
- Staying flexible to any outcome. Life is mysterious. It's best not to have any expectations.
- Taking it lightly. This doesn't have to be serious business. It's more about becoming aware of the pictures and messages and possibilities that I put out to the world.
Intention is like setting the stage. It doesn't make any promises, but without it, I am less likely to see the results I'd like.