Monday, February 24, 2025

Letting the Angels Lead the Way

I was out of town for a while when Tom was ill. It was an awful time, yet despite it all, things worked strangely well. When I forgot to stop and get Tom something from the drug store it turned out he didn't need it after all. One day when I felt overwhelmed, my daily reading promised something would fall into place. Against all logic, it did. After a sudden impulse to leave the hospital early, I found out that a water pipe had burst and I got back to my sister's place just in time.

It felt as though the Angels were conspiring to make things easier for me.

When I let them.

Common sense told me to rush for that train. But missing it put me exactly in the right place and time to make a connection I would otherwise have missed.

There's a sense of flow, and grace, and smoothness when I let the Angels lead the way. When I resist, the energy feels spiky and prickly and stressful.

The day after I rushed to squeeze onto that train, the trains had a huge delay. I found the humour in that as I waited on the platform. "That's karma," I thought, smiling, "for forcing things yesterday."

It was a tough time, but it gave me a lot that I needed. It showed me how little stuff I need around me to manage. I ran my business easily on my sisters kitchen table with just my computer, a tarot deck, pen and paper, and my her printer. I took exactly one change of clothes with me. With a couple of minor purchases, it was more than enough.

The change in location gave me even more. I was born in the city and wondered if I'd still feel comfortable living there. Yes, I felt right at home. Being with my sister was wonderful. We haven't spent that much time together since we were kids. There was a lot a laughter. She and my brother in law helped me think things through when it was hard to see my way ahead. They reminded me that the sky won't fall if I reach out and ask for help. She cooked for me.

I had to rethink my priorities. While there, it was rest, my work, and Tom. Everything else was optional. With fresh priorities came new boundaries. It felt weird at first to turn off notifications on the phone, but it was a relief. Many of my old habits will no doubt creep back now that we are home, but it gave me a needed reset.

It was crazy, but when I let the Angels lead the way, things worked strangely well.